Target Books

Define which accounts reps should work and how many of them

What is a target book?

A target book describes the types and overall capacity of accounts a rep should be working at a time. Distributions use target book criteria and capacities to determine what accounts to assign to reps.

What is a segment?

A segment is a group of accounts with common characteristics. Segments allow for designing target books for reps composed of accounts of different types. Each target book can have capacity set for the amount of accounts a rep should work in each segment.

For example, segments could be used to define a target book comprised of:

  • Mid-market accounts – segment conditions define the characteristics of what makes an account fit into the “mid-market” designation.

  • Late stage propensity to buy – segment conditions define characteristics of an account that indicate a prediction of late-stage buying intent.

  • Recent C/L – segment conditions define characteristics of an account that it was a recent Closed/Lost account.

Account segments can be determined based on any field on the account object.

How do capacities work?

Capacities set the maximum amount of accounts a rep should be working at any time.

Capacities are optional in Bookbuilder but are highly recommended as they create an incentive in dynamic book management for reps to work the accounts assigned to them before requesting new accounts.

Target Book Max Capacity - sets the maximum total number of accounts a rep can own (according to the Target Book Segments) at once and still be eligible to receive additional accounts from a Distribution.

Important notes:

  1. Reps can own more accounts than their max capacity threshold(s). When this occurs, a rep is ineligible to receive new accounts from a top off distribution.

  2. An account that matches multiple segments in a target book only counts once for target book max capacity.

  3. Target book capacity overrules segment capacity. If a rep is at capacity for their overall TB, but still has available capacity for a specific segment, a Top Off distribution will not assign new accounts to the rep.

Create A Target Book

  1. Click on the target books tab on the left hand Bookbuilder navigation menu

  2. Select "New Target Book" in the top right corner. You should now see a page like this:

  1. Enter a target book name. In this case, lets create a target book for SDRs

  2. Select the field that will signify account ownership by reps. In this case let's use the standard OwnerId account field.

  3. Optionally, you can add a "Target Book Max Capacity" which will act as the total number of accounts a rep can own that meets the criteria of the entire book. For this example, we will create a max capacity of 100 for the SDR book.

Now you have a target book set up with a Name, Ownership Field, and Max Capacity

Defining Ownership in a Target Book

Each target book represents a role for a rep who is working an account. Target books can be created for reps who are responsible for the account overall, reps responsible for outbound prospecting efforts, or other roles as well (Customer Success Manager, Account Manager, Product Specialist, etc). Each of these roles may have a rep assigned to an account.

To support this, Bookbuilder allows for defining the ownership field on the account record associated with the role for reps with this target book. The default case is “ownerId” (the overall default ownership field on an account record in SFDC) and this makes sense for most cases where an account is owned & worked by one rep at a time.

In other cases, there may be additional ownership fields on the account record to indicate the owner for different roles – such as an SDR – and Bookbuilder allows you to set any user lookup field to use setting ownership for an account with respect to reps with the given target book.

When calculating the amount of accounts owned by a rep (examples: capacity thresholds, number of off-book accounts), Bookbuilder only considers accounts owned by the rep based on the ownership field set in their target book.

Add Segments to a Target Book

You can add segments to a target book in order to define different segments of accounts you’d like for reps to work.

To create a segment:

  1. Give the segment a name that represents the types of accounts for that portion of the total book. For this example we will create a segment for Enterprise Prospects.

  2. Optionally, you can give the segment a Segment Max Capacity which will limit how many accounts a rep can own within this specific segment. We will add a segment capacity of 50 accounts for the Enterprise Segment

  3. Now you can add the criteria that specifies what types of accounts should be in that segment. Since this segment should contain Enterprise Prospect accounts, we will create 2 conditions:

  • First condition will be that Account Type = Prospect

  • Second condition will be that Account Employee count greater than or equal to 1000

We now have a segment that looks like this

You can add as many segments as needed to build out your desired book from here by clicking "Add Segment".

Last updated