
Core concepts used to configure both distributions and retrievals

Distributions and retrievals both rely on a set of core concepts for transferring accounts:

  • Criteria - the conditions accounts must meeting to be included in the transfer

  • Ranking - how to order the accounts being distributed or retrieved

  • Field updates - values to "stamp" on a matching accounts that are transferred by the distribution or retrieval process


Criteria are a set of logical conditions that accounts must meet to be included in the distribution or retrieval.

Distribution criteria fields

Each condition specifies a true / false expression using account fields:

  • Account Field - the field on the account to match (e.g. Type)

  • Operator - the specific operator to use in the condition (e.g. "Equals", "Greater Than")

  • Value / Option - the specific value to compare the "Account Field" to using the "Operator"

In the example above, Condition 1 matches only for accounts where the Type field is equal to Prospect.

Combine conditions into a full logical expression using the mode dropdown which contains the following values:

  • All Conditions Are Met (AND) - each condition specified must be met for an account to be included

  • Any Condition is Met (OR) - only one condition must be met for an account to be included

  • Custom Condition Logic is Met - when this mode is selected, provide custom condition logic in the form of a Salesforce condition expression like 1 OR (2 AND 3).


Ranking Criteria allows you to determine the order in which accounts are distributed or retrieved. This is especially important for distributions as accounts will be assigned to reps in the order specified by the ranking criteria.

Ranking criteria fields

For each criteria, specify an "Account Field" and how to order values in that field. Specify multiple criteria as tiebreakers. For example, in the screenshot above:

  1. The accounts will first be ordered by NumberOfEmployees. Accounts with the most employees will come first.

  2. When accounts are tied for number of employees, they'll be ordered by AnnualRevenue with larger values coming first.

Field updates

This section allows you to update fields on the account when it's transferred by a retrieval or a distribution. This is often used to update a Distribution Date or Retrieval Date field on the account for reporting purposes

Account fields to update

For each field, specify an "Account Field" and the value to set upon transfer.

There are two special values:

  • TODAY - this value will be replaced with the date at which the transfer occurs. This is useful for scheduled transfers. This may only be used for fields of type date.

  • NOW - this value will be replaced with the date and time at which the transfer occurs. This is useful for scheduled transfers. This may only be used for fields of type datetime.

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