Market Map


Market Map delivers tailored industry data specifically designed for your needs. By prioritizing your accounts through AI analysis, it aligns closely with your prospects and targets.

Traditional industry data relies on outdated classifications like NAICS and SIC, which were created for governmental use, not sales teams. For instance, NAICS has more categories dedicated to coal than to software, resulting in a misalignment that forces your prospects into generic categories lacking the precision necessary for effective targeting.

Market Map employs AI to identify groups of similar accounts in your CRM, scoring them based on their resemblance to your existing customers.

How does Market Map work?

To get started, simply provide a list of your prospects and customers from your CRM using a CSV file or one of our integrations. Then:

  1. We crawl each company website, utilizing AI to analyze the content.

  2. Our AI comprehends what each company does—identifying the products and services they offer, as well as the markets they serve.

  3. Based on this understanding, our AI groups similar companies together, assigning a lookalike score to each company based on its similarity to your known customers.

What do you mean by “similar”?

Think of it like a sticky note brainstorming exercise. You write ideas on sticky notes, and each person places theirs on a board, grouping similar ideas together.

Market Map functions in a similar way. Picture a sticky note for each customer: you analyze their website, noting their products, services, locations, and the problems they solve. Based on your insights, you group these sticky notes by similarity.

You then do the same for prospects. By the end, your sticky notes form clusters on the board. Some clusters contain customers; others include prospects that are close to existing customers.

Prospects near several customers are likely strong targets, and clusters with multiple customers may contain valuable prospects as well.

Market Map uses AI to analyze website content and sophisticated mathematical techniques to convert these concepts into measurable similarities, allowing for organization akin to sticky notes. Unlike physical sticky notes, these similarities can be quantified and ranked, providing a powerful tool for discovering natural segments among your prospects without the need for manual classification.


The lookalike score ranges from 0 to 100, where companies scoring closer to 100 are very similar to one or more existing customers, while those near 0 are dissimilar.

Tiers are established based on these scores:

  • Tier 1: Scores between 80-100

  • Tier 2: Scores between 60-79

  • Tier 3: Scores between 40-59

  • Tier 4: Scores below 40

These scores are derived solely from the AI analysis of the companies’ activities. We highly recommend replacing any weighted industry scores in your account scoring models with these lookalike scores for improved accuracy and relevance.

Last updated