Log Entries
Troubleshoot automation issues with log entries
Log Entries are great for finding out what happened with a particular assignment. If you ever need to track down an issue, Log Entries are an important part of debugging.
Creating Log Entries
The built-in ABK actions generate log entries as they execute. You can generate your own custom log entries in your automations by using the Log Message ABK action in your Flows.
Locating Log Entries
Log entries are available in two places:
The Log Entries tab (see below)
In Automation Executions for those automations built with Flow Lifecycle actions
Log Entries Tab
All log entries are located in the Log Entries tab via a standard Salesforce list. You can create and save filter views for this list just like any other standard list.
On the Gradient Works Tab, click Log Entries
Make sure the List View is toggled to "All"
The next thing you'll want to do is filter the view to the specific assignment you're looking for.
On the top right screen click on the Funnel icon and you can start filtering the view to meet your specific assignment
The more information you know about the assignment you're hoping to track the better. Our recommendation is to start filtering from the time the assignment happened, this will allow you to view all the logs that happened during that time.
The corresponding results of the newly filter log page should look something like this:
From here, you'll be able to click on the log entry that should give you more information on why an assignment happened or why a particular error happened on that assignment.
If more support is needed please contact support@gradient.works with any information you're able to provide from the Log Entries.
Last updated