Round Robin Queues

Configure groups of users for round robin assignment

Gradient Works manages assignments through Queues. You can think of queues as "pools" of users that are eligible to have an item assigned to them. Items can be any Salesforce object but are usually things like Leads, Accounts and Opportunities.

Queue Users

Queues exist to make it easy to manage assignment to groups of people. You can associate any Salesforce user with a queue.

Once you've created a queue, you'll be taken to the queue tab in the Gradient Works app. Click "Add Users" in the "Queue Users" section. This allows you to add any Salesforce users to your queue. These users will be eligible for assignment through the Queue.


Each user has an "Availability" section which allows you to control when that user is available to receive an item. You can control this in two ways:

  • Status - Set the Queue User status to "Unavailable" if you want to temporarily remove them from assignment (e.g. for PTO). Set "Unavailable Until" if you want the system to automatically change their status back to "Available" at a certain time (e.g. after their PTO ends)

  • Working Hours - If you have users that are active during certain times (e.g. 1st and 2nd shifts), you can set their working hours. They will only receive assignments during those working hours. Note that the timezone used for determining working hours is dependent on the timezone of the user that executes the assignment process. Typically it's best if these times correspond to the default timezone configured for your org.

When configuring availability it's a good idea to ensure that at least one user will be available at all times. If no user is available, the system will hold assignments until a user becomes available again. However, you may experience errors in your flows that use the Assign Single Item action if there are no eligible users.

Temporary Skipping

To temporarily skip the next assignment for a user, go the Queue User edit page and set the number of skips in the "Skip Next Times" field. If you just want to skip the user that's up next, you can use the "Skip" button described in the Queue Slots section below.


Easily manage Queue Users capacity using Capacity Meters. Once configured and applied to a Queue, we'll automatically update a Queue User's Used Capacity based on the specifics of the applied Capacity Meter.

You can also set a Maximum Default Capacity for the Queue so that any Queue Users added to the Queue will automatically get a Max Capacity value set. Used with Capacity Meters this will ensure that your users never get more items than they should.

Queue Slots

Queue assignment is built around the idea of round-robin "slots", each of which has a unique index and is assigned to a particular Queue User. Users with higher Weights will receive more slots.

The Queue maintains a Next Slot Index which points to the next slot that will be used for assignment. You can see this by clicking on a Queue name in the Gradient Works Admin. The next 10 slots are displayed at the bottom left.

You may skip the next scheduled user by clicking the "Skip" button on the slot labeled "Next Up". Note that availability status and working hours will impact whether a user receives an assignment so the "Next Up" user may be skipped depending on their availability at the time the assignment occurs.

Last updated