
Enrich your HubSpot CRM with AI Market Map data

To export Market Map data to HubSpot, you will first need to create custom properties on your Company object to populate with Market Map data. Once that's complete, you can use standard HubSpot importing functionality to load the data.

Configure company properties

Add the following custom properties to your company object:

Export data

Exporting similar companies with HubSpot is not supported at this time. If you have a HubSpot enterprise plan which supports custom objects, please contact support.

The accounts.csv file contains a row for each company in the data submitted for Market Map analysis. If Market Map was unable to process a company, it will not be included in the accounts file. This will be the file you use to export to HubSpot.

Follow your normal process for importing company data to Hubspot. When prompted, specify the accounts.csv file from Market Map.

When prompted for field mappings, use the following:

You can safely ignore all other fields.

Last updated