Capacity Meters
Use Capacity Meters with Gradient Works Queues to effectively track capacity for a group of users. You choose what value to use as capacity and how often the value should be updated.
To get started, navigate to the Capacity Meters tab and click on "New". We'll need the following information from you:
The object type we're going to use to build the capacity value
The field on that object that relates a record back to a User
What kind of calculation we should perform for this capacity meter
The object field to use in that calculation
We also let you apply further filtering to the kind of records we'll include in the calculation. This will let you do things like only include specific Account Types or Opportunities in a certain Stage.
As an example, the provided screenshot configures a Capacity Meter to get the total count of Customer Accounts that are owned by a User.
Once you figure out what to calculate, we'll need to know how often you'd like to update these capacity values.
Hourly - we'll automatically update the capacity values once an hour.
Daily - we'll automatically update the capacity values once a day at the selected time.
Manually - no automatic updates of capacity values will happen. You'll update using the 'Update Now' button.
Run a Test
After you configure your Capacity Meter, it is a good idea to run a test to make sure it is calculating things as you want before you apply it to a Queue.
Simply click "Run Test" and select the Gradient Works Queue you'd like to run the test with. We'll return the results for each Queue User in that Queue and show you what their current Used Capacity is and what it would be re-calculated to if you applied the Capacity Meter.
Running a test does not save any changes to capacity values for Queue Users so it's the perfect way to make sure your calculations are correct.
Apply to Queues
After you've configured the Capacity Meter and run some tests, it's time to apply it to a Gradient Works Queue and have it start calculating capacity values automatically.
Click on "Apply to Queue(s)" and choose the Gradient Works Queues you'd like to use this Capacity Meter with. We'll calculate the initial Used Capacity values for the Queue Users for the selected Queues immediately after you complete applying the Capacity Meter. After that, the capacity values will update automatically based on the schedule you configured when creating the Capacity Meter.
Last updated