Salesforce Integration

The Market Map Salesforce integration includes two key areas of functionality:

Market Map in Bookbuilder

Bookbuilder includes robust support for Market Map to help you identify high potential market clusters to refine your ICP, analyze & optimize coverage Market Map identified accounts, and distribute and prioritize accounts most similar to your best customers.

Configuring Market Map settings in Bookbuilder

To get started with Market Map in Bookbuilder, you need to first configure the Market Map settings.

The Market Map settings are:

  • Market Map - Linked Fields - choose the account fields you created when you imported Market Map data to Salesforce. These must be configured to enable Market Map in Bookbuilder.

  • Market Map - Key Fields - choose the account fields you want to be shown in the cluster drilldowns.

  • Market Map - Customer Criteria - Specify criteria to match the account records that represent active customers. This must be configured to enable Market Map in Bookbuilder.

Map Explorer

The Map Explorer in Bookbuilder provides an easy way for ops and sales leaders to explore their market & identify segments of opportunity where there is a high penetration rate and/or a large amount of high scoring accounts.

Use the "Customers" control to overlay markers ("X's") on the map to indicate which accounts are existing customers. Change the Category dropdown to Tier to see where the highest scoring accounts are in the map.

List View

Market Map list view provides table of all the clusters identified in your accounts with key metrics for each to help you identify market segments with highest potential.

Clicking on Market Map cluster opens a panel with summary metrics about the cluster and a preview of the top scoring accounts in the cluster.

Click "View All Accounts" for a drilldown to see the full set of accounts in the cluster or click "New Coverage Report" to create a market coverage report for accounts in this cluster.


View a Market Map cluster drilldown to see all the accounts in the cluster.

The drilldown shows accounts that have engagement in the last 30 days and accounts with no engagement in the last 30 days. Engagement is based on at least 1 Working Activity completed on the account. The fields shown in the accounts table is controlled by the Market Map- Key Fields setting.

Market Coverage Report

Once the Market Map data is imported to Salesforce, you can create a market coverage report using the data in Bookbuilder. This includes two key use cases:

  • a market coverage report of a Market Map cluster

  • a market coverage report of tier 1 Market Map accounts

The market coverage report provides the ability to see how much your team has engaged accounts in the cluster, who's responsible for them (and how much they're engaging those accounts), and easily spot the high fit, great timing accounts in the cluster worthy of coverage. Additionally, you can Distribute, Retrieve, and assign accounts in the cluster from the market coverage drilldowns.

Similar Accounts Component

The Similar Accounts Component is a custom salesforce lightning component that can be installed to the account page in salesforce. Its purpose is to make it easy for reps to find nearby customers to an account they are prospecting to so that they can reference how their product has helped the nearby customer in targeted & relevant outreach messaging.

Additionally, the component surfaces accounts that are highly similar to the account the rep is prospecting so they can work multiple accounts with a similar cadence and messaging at once, increasing their efficiency and effectiveness.

The Market Map Key Fields in shown in the component are controlled by the Market Map - Key Fields setting in Bookbuilder.

Last updated