Market Coverage

Drive more pipeline with better coverage of reference account segments

A market coverage report analyzes your team’s engagement across a segment of accounts in a selected time period. It helps identify high potential accounts with low engagement and where rep attention is spent covering low value accounts.

  • Market coverage analyzes accounts that meet the report criteria at the time the report is run. You can refresh a report for the most updated account list & engagement data.

  • Rep Engagement is based on activities on accounts assigned to the rep at the time the report is run. Activities on accounts no longer assigned to the rep are not included.

Accessing market coverage reports

Click "Market" under "Coverage" in the left nav to access existing market coverage reports.

Creating a report

Click "Market" under "Coverage" in the left nav to go to the market coverage report listing screen and then click "New Report".

The "New Market Coverage Report" screen has three parts:

  • Details - configure the name, date range, ownership field, and engagement activities

  • Criteria - define the criteria & custom logic that specify the segment of accounts

  • Fit and Timing - choose the fields representing indicators of account potential to group accounts

In the Details section, select an ownership field for the report to analyze account assignment. In the case where there is a single rep responsible for working an account, this will likely be the OwnerId (Salesforce's default ownership field for an account). If an account can be worked by multiple reps at the same time, choose which user lookup field to use for this report.

In the Fit and Timing section, select which account fields to use for grouping engaged accounts by fit and timing dimensions. Any numeric or picklist field on the account is supported. If a picklist field is chosen, the values will be ranked from best to worst in descending order for the Account Engagement Analysis heatmap.

Refreshing a report

Market Coverage reports are based on the set of accounts matching report criteria and tasks/events matching Working Activities at the time the report is run, for the time range of the report. If you want the most updated data for the report or an updated time range (for dynamic date ranges like "This Month"), you need to refresh the report.

Refreshing the report is destructive; the data previously shown in the report will be lost and replaced with an updated report.

Anatomy of a report

A market coverage report includes six sections: (a) Overview, (b) Account-based Activity histogram, (c) Ownership and Engagement treemap, (d) Account Engagement heatmap, (d) Least Engaged Accounts table and (e) Engagement by Fit & Timing table.


Provides a high level summary of engagement for the accounts studied in the report.

The metrics shown in the overview section are determined as follows:


Total Accounts

Number of accounts in SFDC that meet the report criteria


Percentage of total accounts with at least 1 working activity (based on report configuration) in the selected time period


Number of accounts owned by a user based on the ownership field from report configuration


Number of accounts owned by an Account Pool user or with null ownership based on ownership field from report configuration

Average Activities Completed

Average number of working activities completed on engaged accounts in the selected time period

Average Contacts Reached

Average number of contacts touched on engaged accounts in the selected time period

Account-based Activity histogram

Shows engagement levels for accounts in the segment during the selected time period. Use this chart to see depth and breadth of coverage for the segment of accounts.

You can filter by activity type:


Account-based Activity

Activities that meet working activity criteria where "WhatId" is null or the account itself

Opportunity-based Activity

Activities that meet working activity criteria where the "What Id" is an opportunity on the account

[Working Activities]

Activities that meet the specific working activity criteria related to the account.

Success tip

Look for:

  • Accounts with low engagement to see at-a-glance if there is a coverage gap in this target segment to address. Use Retrievals and Distributions to get these accounts assigned to reps who have available capacity.

  • Accounts with higher than expected amounts of account-based activities; Rep effort on these accounts could be used elsewhere on higher value accounts

Ownership and Engagement treemap

Shows who is responsible for the accounts in the segment and how much they’ve engaged with them during the time period.

Each Rep’s rectangle area corresponds to the amount accounts in the overall segment currently assigned to them. Darker purple indicates higher percent engagement (based on at least 1 working activity) for their accounts.

Success tip

Look for reps with a large, light colored area. These reps are responsible for a higher amount of accounts in this target segment but have low engagement with them. To dig in to more details, hover over the Rep's area and click to navigate to Rep Coverage to assess coverage for the reps overall book. Address any issues through coaching the rep or use Retrievals to pull back some accounts to assign to others.

Account Engagement heatmap

Shows the number of accounts & engagement level for based on the Fit and Timing fields configured in the report.

Success tip

Look for:

  • Lower left - accounts with low fit and low timing. These are accounts that should get low coverage, as rep attention is better spent elsewhere. These should be light-colored.

  • Upper right - accounts with high fit and high timing. These are the highest potential accounts in this segment. Anything but dark purple indicates opportunity to better engage with great accounts.

Least Engaged Accounts table

Shows a list of the accounts with the lowest level of engagement in the report time period.

Engagement by Fit/Timing table

Shows number of accounts and engagement levels in more granular groupings by fit or timing than shown in the account engagement analysis heatmap. Table is sortable by all columns to allow ranking the grouping of accounts by engagement metrics.

Last updated